Interesting software architecture links 15 April 2010
Once I am done with this book, I have good intentions of creating a Slashdot-like site devoted to software architecture. I’m frustrated with how hard it is to find interesting material and I hope others would be willing to help me feed the site. Until then, here are some interesting links I’ve come across:
- An overview of cloud computing. Also, a Collection of links on cloud data storage.
- Towards physical laws for software architecture. Statistical analysis of open source software to investigate modularity rules.
- IEEE on Agility and Architecture. Several articles discussing the intersection of two popular topics.
- Another interesting architecture description from, this one on the software architecture
- 10 Papers Every Software Architect Should Read Twice. Interesting list, though I should put out my own. What would be on your list?
Comments and suggested links are welcome.
Edit 30 May 2010: The new software architecture site is live.